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网址:www.jiankongl.aou1.cn  2022-10-12  作者:admin    阅读:

Security monitoring quotation has always been a problem that weak current friends often ask, because after all, each project is different, and the way of quotation is different. In this, yingsite will talk to you about the security monitoring quotation. I hope to help you understand the cost, and there is a bottom in your heart.
We generally charge two kinds of security monitoring and installation:
The first is to calculate by point, which is for small security monitoring projects.
The second is for large security monitoring projects, according to the percentage of equipment, generally we take about 15% - 30%, the larger the project, the less the proportion.
If the standard construction technology, the main materials such as cable adding and other main materials will not be lower than 400 each point, some of the construction difficulties shall be evenly spread to more than 500 yuan or higher.
摄像机安装现在的国家标准在70~80之间家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门  保定养老院  保定防水支架安装30~40、手动镜头的还要含镜头的调试、至于分体调试整体调试可以不考虑。线缆敷设根据种类线径管路不同一般线在250~300元/100米。
The current national standard for camera installation is between 70-80, bracket installation is 30-40, manual lens also includes lens debugging, and the overall debugging of split debugging can be ignored. The cable laying is 250-300 yuan / 100M according to the different types of line diameter pipelines.
If the height is too high (more than 5m), 3-4% of the labor cost will be added, and the high-level will also be increased.

